Posted by Geecee ( on August 29, 2000 at 20:00:44:
I just dug out the old TI-99/4A. Bought it back in the 80s, used it a couple of years and then packed it away. Maybe someone out there needs it. Make an offer & it's yours! Included are several joy sticks, voice synthesizer, and the following games/programs & the manuals for each: A-maze-ing, Laws of Arithmetic, Video Games 1, Hopper, Sneggit, Car Wars, The Attack, StarTrek, Microsurgeon, Hunt the Wumpus, Alpiner, Teach Yourself Basic part 1 & 2, Munch Man, Parsec, Super Semon Attack, Moonsweeper, Computer Math Games VI, Jawbreaker II, TI Invaders, Blasto, Tombstone City, Popeye & 2 Computer Cassettes (C-20). There are also books: TI Games, User Reference Guide, Beginner's Basic, & all the other paperwork that came with the computer. I live in South Georgia so you can figure the shipping from here. My email is [email protected] if you have questions.