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» 99er Download Database » View Tag: xb

  File Downloads Date Added
  XBGame Developers Package
XB Game Developers Package "JUWEL4" Contains two applications (XB29GEM and XB COMPILER) that make it possible to produce arcade quality games using XB.
439 May 20, 2022
XB 2.9 G.E.M. (Graphics Enhancement Module)
396 May 20, 2022
  Compute! Extended Basic
Guide to XB Applications for TI-99/4A
2698 Dec 16, 2016
Misc. XB Programs - Win994a Format
1798 Feb 05, 2011
Howard Uman\'s Games V9T9 Format
2436 Nov 10, 2010
  MG Sprite Guide
Miller\'s Graphics Smart Programming Guide For Sprites
2147 Jul 20, 2009
  Extended Basic - Linked
Hot Linked PDF
5338 May 03, 2007
  XB Manual
TI Extended Basic Manual
3904 Dec 17, 2006
  Misc XB Disks
6 Disk Images of XB Games/Programs
3735 Jun 03, 2006
  Ian Howle
XB Games
3051 Jun 03, 2006
  Howard Uman\'s Games
XB Games
3214 Jun 03, 2006

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