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» 99er Download Database » View Tag: commercial

  File Downloads Date Added
  Texas Instruments Learning Tools Commercial
Dataman, Little Professor, TI-30
1616 Feb 28, 2011
  Nestle Quik Commercial
Shows game being played on a TI-99/4A
1351 Feb 28, 2011
  TI-99/4A Commercial
With Bill Cosby
1241 Feb 28, 2011
  Bill Cosby TI-99/4A Commercial
Rebate Offer
1409 Feb 28, 2011
  TI-99/4A Commercial
Showing father with son using computer
1345 Feb 28, 2011
  Speak & Spell Commercial
Shows The Dataman, Spelling B, Little Professor, and Others At The End
1175 Feb 27, 2011
  Speak & Spell Commercial
Shows Speak & Spell, Read, and Math
1220 Feb 27, 2011
  Speak & Spell Commercial
Video - Bill Cosby
2131 Jul 18, 2009

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