A few months ago, I acquired a small collection of TI99 items. Most of the stuff was pretty common, but there were a few things that I didn’t already have. One of those things was this – a Texas Instruments Compact Program Recorder. I’d never seen one before- the model number on the back is CPR-001. I posted about it in the forum (more pics there) in the hopes that someone might know about it. I had already scanned and uploaded the manual (you can get it here), and Ksarul noticed that it says that it is for a CC40 Plus. He speculates that it was intended to replace the Wafertape drives since there were so many problems with them.
I have plugged the recorder in and verified that it runs, but I haven’t had a chance to try it out yet to see if it will work with a TI or CC40. I’m moving soon, so everything is in storage now. As a side note- I’d mentioned before that I already had a lot of the other stuff that I picked up when I got this recorder. Once I get settled again in a few months, I’m going to dig that stuff out and offer it to whoever wants it just for the cost of the shipping. I’ll post it in the ‘for sale‘ section of the forum.
Also-thanks to Ksarul for his insights!