Posted by Jack on April 11, 2000 at 16:26:12:
In Reply to: Does anyone know how to get V9T9 to run a modem? posted by JT on April 11, 2000 at 00:49:57:
: Hey all! I was just wondering if anyone knew how to get V9T9 to run a modem, using TELCO, Fast-Term, Te-2...I've been told it can be done, but, so far, no I just wasting my time with V9T9? signed...
: Running out of time, w/ V9T9 ;-)
I've gotten it to access the modem with the TE-II cartridge, though I've never tried actually dialing out.
You need to make sure there's a line like this in your .cnf file:
RS232/x = y,z
where x= the desired port on the TI, y= the COM port on your PC, and z= the IRQ of that COM port.
For example:
RS232/1 = 1,4
assigns TI RS232 port 1 to COM1/IRQ4 on your PC.