Posted by Bromosel on January 03, 19100 at 23:45:18:
hints&more for the TI-99/4a
Collection/German-English-Translation: Bromosel
Release-Date: January 2000
e-mail: [email protected]
Oh, the text is unformatted! Copy it to notepad.exe in full-screen mode, when necessary.
Index of this document
1. Cheats in TI-Modules
2. Hints TI-Basic
3. Hints Extented Basic
4. Misc (OS-Bugs and hardware information)
5. Hardware: A list of construction plans and instructions I have for the TI-99/4a
Hi, TI-folks!
I found this site by searchin the web and it seems very great.
I hope, that this document is redable formatted, I'm relatively new in the internet-scene.
I'm a german TI-99/4a user since 1983. (whoopie!!!)
This is a collection of some things that may interest TI99-users, I typed them down just for
fun. At the BOTTOM of this document I ask a few questions.
From 1984-1986 existed a german magazine called 'TI-Revue', published by 'TI-Aktuell-Verlag'.
I collected all issues including the SPECIAL-issues with tons of programs.
Beside these magazines, I bought also other so-called 'Homecomputer'-mags and books.
(When I put them alltogether, the stack is about one meter high (metric system).)
At that old time, I was alone with my TI, because most of my friends owned no computers and the
others owned such computers like C64, Apple, Atari or ZX81/Spectrum.
But I never thought of throwing away my machine and I still own it today and it's still running,
running, running. (This little cockroach...)
And, luckily, I still own all the mags.
At last: As I told before, the sources for the following information are german magazines and
I translated the things in english. When you find strange words, then it's a lack of
meiy englisCHSHHEh. U undrstant?
1. Cheats in TI-Modules
Because I do not own every TI-Module, I can't say if all the cheats work.
I can say, that they work with PARSEC, TI-INVADERS and ALPINER, because I own them.
1.1. Munchman
1. Right after the title appears press 8 3 8 (while holding the SHIFT-Key)
2. RND(0-2) choose round
3. SCN(0-19) choose screen
4. MM(1-9) choose lives
1.2. TI-Invaders
1. Right after the title appears press 8 3 8 (while holding the SHIFT-Key)
2. SLOW SPEED(Y/N) choose speed
3. SCREEN(00-40) choose screen
1.3. Moon Miners
1. Right after the title appears press 8 3 8 (while holding the SHIFT-Key)
2. LEVEL(00-59) choose level
3. MOON MINERS(1-9) chooser lives
1.4. Hopper
1. Right after the title appears press 8 (while holding the SHIFT-Key)
2. ROUND(0-9) choose round
1.5. Alpiner
1. Right after the title appears press 8 3 8 (while holding the SHIFT-Key)
2. choose players
3. choose number of alpiners
4. choose level
5. type in the names
1.6. Parsec
To fire without overheating the laser, hold Q while firing
2. Hints TI-BASIC
When you find bugs in some routines, then it's a typing error unfortunally made by me, sorry.
I did not keep an eye on BIG or SMALL letters. I assume, that a TI-user is used using the TI.
Some of these routines possibly not work with V9t9 or other TI-emulators.
2.1. DISPLAY AT - Simulation
10 REM Main-Program
20 A$="Hello"
30 Y=10
40 X=10
50 Gosub 100
99 REM Sub-Routine
100 For z=0 to len(a$)-1
110 call hchar(y,x+z,asc(seg$(seg$(a$,z+1)))
120 next z
130 return
Variables and notes:
Y: Row
X: Column
A$: Text
len(a$)+x must be <=32
2.2. SIZE - Simulation
1 A=A+8
2 gosub 1
Run this program until MEMORY FULL appears. then type PRINT A and you get a value
that represents the ca. avaiable free memory.
2.3. Strange screen effects
CALL KEY(0,K,"@@@@
@@@@@@@########### (11x@, 64x#)
--- Now you get a message INCORRECT STATEMENT
--- Is there a '0' left of the cursor?
--- when YES, try this:
(press the ENTER-Key)
(Press the CLEAR-Key)
--- try this until you have some strange effects
--- YOU MUST switch off the computer before writing new programs!!!
3. Hints Extended Basic
3.1. SUB-routines at the beginning of a program
100 goto 150 :: CALL SUB1 :: !add more subs here
110 sub sub1
120 Print "hello"
130 subend
140 !@P-
150 REM Main
160 call sub1
170 end
3.2. CLEAR-simulation (setting all variables to zero, strings to "")
100 a=1 :: b=200 :: c=134
110 run 120
120 print a,b,c (result: all variables are zero)
3.3. NEW-simulation
call load(-31965,21)
3.4. Memory-Expansion ON/OFF 1-recorder 1 motor + 4.3. Pins of the PAL-Modulator-Output 4.4. STOP simulated with CALL LOAD 4.5. OS-Bug I 4.12. Some PEEKS and POKES (only with ExBasic and 32K-expansion) 5. Construction plans and instructions Note: I did not built any of these devices myself expect the Adapter for Joysticks. MY MODULES: German mags, where a gained all information: Cheerioooo, Bromosel!
100 call load(-31868,0,0) :: run "DSK1.XXX"
100 call load(-31868,255,231) :: run "DSK1.XXX"
the computer does some strange things or crashes.
4. Misc (Hardware, OS-Bugs etc.)
I added some OS-bugs to this document, some funny things. Maybe some of them doesn't work on
every TI99, because the OS was altered through the production period.
I did not try everything with V9T9, so I can't say what works and what not.
I was very concentrated in the PIN-section, so there should be no mistakes by me.
4.1. Protected program listings (you need: 32KB-Module, Extented Basic)
call init
call Load(-31931,128)
call init
call load(-31931,0)
4.2. Pins of the cassette-interface
\1 2 3 4 5/
\6 7 8 9/ (this is the recordercable)
2-recorder 1 motor ground
3-signal ground (output)
4-output for amplifier
5-signal output recorder 1 & 2
6-recorder 2 motor +
7-recorder 2 motor ground
8-signal input recorder 1
9-signal ground (input)
2 4
1 5
1 - +12V (controlled)
2 - Y-signal video out
3 - R-Y-signal video out
4 - B-Y-signal video out
5 - audio signal
6 - ground
Call Load(-31932,0)
BYE from within a program (changing from Extented Basic to TI-Basic without losing the
the program in memory. If you are in Extented Basic, try this:
It does not work with a memory-expansion!
110 call char(0
200 REM Main Program
---- now you get an INCORRECT STATEMENT error
---- You see TI-BASIC READY
---- Your program is still in memory
4.6. OS-Bug II
Systemcrash from within TI-BASIC
CALL KEY(0,K," ... ...") (try different numbers of spaces, I don't know exactly)
4.7. OS-Bug III
Input-Crash (ExBasic)
10 for i=1 to 4 :: accept at(i,i+1):a$(i+i/2) :: next x
4.8. OS-Bug IV
1! (after the ! you must type CTRL+U until it beeps)
--- now list the program with FCTN+X and hold the SPACE-Key while listing
4.9. OS-Bug V (maybe not a real bug...)
1 call screen(2)
2 call screen(3)
3 goto 1
---- while pressing the FCTN-key, it runs faster
4.10. OS-Bug VI
call load(-31965,19) --- no more statements possible (wether NEW or BYE and other)
4.11. OS-Bug VII
call load(-31965,20) --- when you now want to edit a program, the TI does NEW
!!!At first type: CALL INIT (otherwhile the computer may crash)
for t=0 to 255 step 4 :: call load(-31400,t) :: next t (some unusual sounds)
--- -31744 < normal sound adress
for t=16280 to 16383 :: call peek(t,a) :: print chr$(a); :: next t (read REF/DEF-Table)
- The following does a TAB-TO-THE-LEFT
1 x=65 :: for t=0 to 20 step .5 :: print chr$(x); :: x=x+1
2 call load(-31873,t) :: next t
4 for t=20 to 0 step -.5 :: print chr$(x); :: x=x-1
5 call load(-31873,t) :: next t :: goto 1
-- Stop this routine by pressing FCTN+CLEAR
- This one reads and lists a program that was killed with NEW:
1 for T=-1000 to 0 step -1 :: call peek(t,a) :: print chr$(A); :: next t
4.13. OS-Bug VIII
1111 <4 times
333333333 <9 times
44444444444444 <14 times
In the magazines there are many construction plans with the layout of the 'platines'
and lists of used parts. (I did not find the english word for 'platine': it's the
thing where you put the electronic parts with a soldering iron, understand?)
I don't know, if copying or scanning these plans is legal (after 14 years).
Here's a list of all construction plans I have for the TI-99/4a
(I don't know if the translation of a device-name is always correct...)
8-channel I/O
Centronics Interface
PIN-description of the I/O-Port (only a description)
Single-Step Mode
80 KB memory expansion
Module platine ROM/GROM
Remotecontrolling with the TI
Single-Step Mode for the P-Box
32 KB memory expansion
Number block keyboard (like on PCs)
A/D transformer
Connecting old Centronics-Printers(like Model 779) to TI-PIO
Atari-Joystick without Adapter
Plotter (yes, a complete construction guide) needs the 8-channel I/O
Proportional controlling for a joystick
BC-decimal transformer for the keyboard port
Output module (for steering robots and so on)
10-channel I/O (direct access of the RS232-Interface for the P-Box)
NF-Amplifier, 6 Watts
Adapter for 2 Atari-Joysticks
(Remember: The Joysticks for C64, Amiga 500, Atari-Systems were called Atari-Joysticks)
There was no negative echo by the readers, so that I think, that they all work fine.
When you're interested in some of these plans, tell me (see e-mail adress at the TOP).
The problem is: The instructions are all in german. When you have a solution for this
thing, tell me.
The last issue of the 'TI-Revue' was dated December 1986. After this date, I have
no more material on the TI-99/4a. I converted to the upcoming AMIGA 500. (AHHHHHH!!!!!)
I hope, that you TI99-Users found something of interest in this document.
When you have more questions, you can e-mail me.
Personal Report-Generator (I don't use it)
Adventure-Module (without tapes, no use of it)
Extented Basic
'CHIP' - more technical info
'ELO' - more electronic info
All the following mags had been discontinued mid/late 80ies and do no longer exist:
'TI-Revue' (I own around 25-30 issues)
These mags handled many homecomputers beside the TI99 (VC20, VC64, Apple II,Atari800xl, ZX81,
ZX Spectrum, Bit 90, TRS 80, Sharp MZ, Dragon 32/64 and some more) amount of 30-40 issues
'Mein Heimcomputer'
'Happy Computer'
'Hobby Computer'
All above mags contain together (I guess) above 200 listings in BASIC, ExBasic and Assembler
QUESTION AT LAST: When I want to make some selfmade-diskimages and I want to share it
with other TI-Users, how does it work. My idea is to type down and translate programs for the
TI99 from these mags and store them on my PC. Where can I send the diskimages to?
Is there a 'Software-Archive' somewhere?
Has anybody of you knowledge with the copyright laws? I'm not interested in selling anything.
When I name the original author and the copyright year when publishing it, would that be legal?
It would only be a hobby of me, without a profit or something.