The owner of this site does not guarantee or necessarily test any of the programs or files available for download from the site. Downloading and installing any files is done at your own risk. If assistance is needed, please contact the program author.

TI99 PC V 2.0.4
Author: Palo Bagnaresi
TI99_PC v. 2 will read, write, format, catalog, copy and convert TI-99/4A floppy disks on a PC. You will be able to transfer your real TI floppy disks to the main TI emulators on a PC currently available (PC99 and V9T9).
Download: ; 734KB


TIBTEXT V0.8d Beta for DOS
Author: Dean Corcoran
Description: TIBTEXT is a file conversion program used to extract the BASIC text from files encoded in FIAD or TIFILES, used for Texas Instruments 99/4A Computers and associated emulators.
Download: ; 37KB

Convert PC99 Disk Images to V9T9 Images
Author: Dennis Hatton
Description: Two utilities that will convert PC99 disk images to V9T9 disk images. Both are zipped into one file along with a 'read me' document. These utilities were not created by and are not supported by PC99 author Mike Wright or CaDD Electronics.

Convert TI Cassette Tapes to V9T9
Author: Dick Selis
Description: Record cassette files into a WAV file on your PC. This utility will then convert the WAV to a FOAD image that can be used by V9T9.
Download version 1.31b: 183KB (Able to save FIAD to WAV; Bugfix: input file was always 'a1' for the fiad to WAV)

Download Version 2.0: 187KB
-Smart detection engine + debug feature.


Author: Dean Corcoran

Description: Converts TI cassette files to WAV format.

CS1er is a program used to decode the binary sound of files stored
on cassette tapes, used on Texas Instruments TI99/4a Computers. This
is then saved in 'FIAD' file format used on many TI Emulators.
CS1er's objective is Data accuracy of badly recorded or damaged tapes.
CS1er now contains the ability to save a FIAD as a Wav file.

NEW!  - 2/15/05

Version 0.9 Beta Release 1 - Windows Version Download: CS1er V0.9Beta release 1 Windows Version 44.4KB
Older Versions (DOS):
Download: 36.4KB
CS1er 0.5a Beta. Now Supports multiple file WAVs, Slight speed increase, & Bug fix
Download: 37KB


99 Menu
Backward compatible with older versions of MESS
Author: Lucien Baumann
Description: A launcher for TI99 emulators. Supports v9t9 and MESS..

Download: - 25.8KB .


PC99 Menu
Author: George Shaw
Description: Shareware ($8 suggested) program that works as a front-end for PC99. Allows you to easily select modules- great! Requires BRUN45.EXE.
Website/Download: PC99 Menu

Questions? Suggestions?

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The owner of this site does not guarantee or necessarily test any of the programs or files available for download from the site. Downloading and installing any files is done at your own risk. If assistance is needed, please contact the program author.