Recently, I built a 8K eprom cartridge to use the >6000 space available at the cartridge slot.
This space can be used for multiple purposes. You can clone a rare Rom based cartridge or write your own.
This project uses a spare TI Invaders cartridge, though there are a few others that will work as well.
If a socket is used on the board, different cartridge roms can be exchanged on the board to change applications easily. There are also 4 Grom spaces available, these can also have sockets installed and will allow up to a possible 4 more titles on the menu along with the eprom at >6000
It appears groms have internal pre-assigned addresses so some will conflict with each other.
What's needed: a 2764 eprom(s) , a TI Invaders cartridge, optional sockets and either a eprom programmer, or a friend with one, along with soldering and desoldering skills and the necessary equipment to do it.
Dumps of Rom only cartridges are available online.
I created a PDF to help a fellow TI er build one, that I can make available here if possible. Otherwise, PM me and I'll send it to you.
* I did upload the pdf, it's attached to a message after this one.
This space can be used for multiple purposes. You can clone a rare Rom based cartridge or write your own.
This project uses a spare TI Invaders cartridge, though there are a few others that will work as well.
If a socket is used on the board, different cartridge roms can be exchanged on the board to change applications easily. There are also 4 Grom spaces available, these can also have sockets installed and will allow up to a possible 4 more titles on the menu along with the eprom at >6000
It appears groms have internal pre-assigned addresses so some will conflict with each other.
What's needed: a 2764 eprom(s) , a TI Invaders cartridge, optional sockets and either a eprom programmer, or a friend with one, along with soldering and desoldering skills and the necessary equipment to do it.
Dumps of Rom only cartridges are available online.
I created a PDF to help a fellow TI er build one, that I can make available here if possible. Otherwise, PM me and I'll send it to you.
* I did upload the pdf, it's attached to a message after this one.