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@RichP: - serious problem...
Forum: Questions, Projects, etc.
Last Post: Bromosel
01-20-2023, 01:58 PM
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New to 99erland
Forum: Hardware
Last Post: Six
10-27-2022, 10:48 AM
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Ti99 hardware
Forum: Hardware
Last Post: jimmy777
07-05-2022, 01:22 PM
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Realms of Antiquity Colle...
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Last Post: Johnwilliam
04-29-2022, 09:07 AM
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Full system listed on eba...
Forum: Ebay
Last Post: Johnwilliam
04-29-2022, 09:06 AM
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Playing Popeye & Games Li...
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Last Post: Johnwilliam
04-29-2022, 07:38 AM
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ti99 peb
Forum: For Sale
Last Post: amiga92570
01-21-2021, 08:19 PM
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for sale 99 4a items. new...
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10-14-2020, 05:44 AM
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TAKEN: FREE Complete sy...
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Last Post: Mehedibd168
08-16-2020, 07:41 AM
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Free TI-99/4A
Forum: For Sale
Last Post: badideajeans
07-14-2020, 11:21 PM
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@RichP: - serious problems with my bromosel.99er.net |
Posted by: Bromosel - 01-20-2023, 01:58 PM - Forum: Questions, Projects, etc.
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Hi Rich,
it's been a while since my last update on bromosel.99er.net which is hosted by you.
I'm still using Notepad and WSFtp to do this.
Today I tried to access the account with my stored password but obviously it had been replaced over time.
Sadly I did too many tries to reach the account. That's maybe 45 minutes ago. Now my IP-adress is blocked by bromosel.99er.net.
I can't even view it in a browser.
What can I do now?
add @gmx.de to my username and you can write me a message what to do. Or better use my encrypted email adress below the Logbook of bromosel.99er.net
The reason for my reawakened interest for updating my website is: A week ago I purchased an adapter to connect my old Atari-Joysticks(Competition Pros & Quickshots) via USB to my Win10 PC to use them in emulators. Today I downloaded Tursi's Classic99 to check, if the Joysticks work normal(<- YES) and if the diskfiles I provide on my side work within Classic99(<- NO)
Just wanted to add the text 'Classic99 doesn't handle DSK-files correctly' beside V9t9 and MESS. That's how the problems started. ;-)
Many thanks in advance,
Dirk aka Bromosel
PS: After playing around with Classic99 after writing the above I found out that the DSK-files are not handled correctly by this emulator. So I came back to V9T9 and placed it in the DOSBOX. V9T9 does not run under Win10(64bit). In DOSBOX the behaviour of V9T9 is veeeeerrrrrryyyy slowwwwwww.
Maybe I'm going to start a thread on this.
New to 99erland |
Posted by: cheshirenoir - 10-17-2022, 11:32 PM - Forum: Hardware
- Replies (1)
Hey Folks,
New here, so I apologise if I'm off base at all.
I have some hardware questions, but first a little background :-)
I'm a "general" collector of 8 and 16 bit retro systems, triggered by a friend of mine giving me an Amiga CD32 about 8 years back. (Up until then, I'd been a fan of retro emulation). I'd been slowly growing my collection of "core" systems to cover the majority of 8 and 16 bit systems to the point where I was really only missing two main systems, that being the TRS-80 Model 1 and the TI-99/4A.
Then the past weekend, while going through, cleaning up a "trashpile" of old systems, I managed to find a Dick Smith System 80, which is a clone of the TRS-80 Model 1, as well as a pair of TI-99/4As! (One beige and one silver)
So now I have a collection that spans the majority of mainstream 8 and 16 bit systems :-)
(I have [deep breath], an Acorn BBC Micro B, BBC Master, Master Compact, Electron and Archimedes 440, an Amstrad CPC 464, an Apple 2 europlus, 2e, 2gs, Mac se/30 and Quadra 950, an Applied Technology Microbee 16, Microbee PC85, Microbee 128k and Microbee 128k premium, An Atari 800xl, STfm and STe, A Commodore PET 4032, VIC 20, C64, 128D, Amiga 1000, 500, 600, 1200 and 2000, Sinclair Spectrum 48k, Tandy Color Computer 2, VTech CreatiVision and a clone MSX 2 I assembled myself :-) )
Back to the TI-99/4A, neither system came with modulator or power supply.
I've been looking into my options for getting power in and picture out, but until I know the units are actually working, I don't want to put too much money into them. I'm also in Australia (PAL region) so ordering stuff from Ebay tends to mean I pay twice what the goods are worth in shipping, so DIY is my preferred option.
On the power front, I was thinking of getting a suitable MeanWell and use it to bypass the internal regulator entirely... It'll work in my initial testing. The other alternative I have is I can get a transformer locally that's rated for 2A that has a 18V outer and 9V center tap I could possibly use? Is the extra 0.5v on the smaller winding going to be an issue?
On the video front, well, that's more of an issue. I know PAL units do a "component" out. What are the chances I can feed that (Possibly with suitable resistors) into a Component capable monitor? (I have an old LCD TV I use for a lot of my systems)
Anyway, great to enter the 99er club, even if my systems don't yet work :-)
Ti99 hardware |
Posted by: jimmy777 - 07-05-2022, 01:22 PM - Forum: Hardware
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Bought a bunch of TI99 decades ago and have been sitting brand new in original boxes. i have several consuls plus a couple of factory sealed never opened peripheral expansion boxs
ti99 peb |
Posted by: amiga92570 - 01-21-2021, 08:19 PM - Forum: For Sale
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I am looking for a buyer for a ti99 peb box, with 32k card, floppy card, and rs/232. Box is in good condition and operates properly. Also includes extra 32k card, sid card, and extra new power supply card. Do not want to ship. So if you are close to Riverside California let me know. I will off phone number to discuss details. thanks
Playing Popeye & Games List |
Posted by: jonesypeter - 07-14-2020, 03:56 PM - Forum: Software
- Replies (2)
I'm new to the TI99/4A. My home computer as a child was the ZX-Spectrum.
Couple of questions if I may:
Is there a site which shows screenshots of TI Games? Rather like Lemon64 or similar?
I'm trying to play Popeye via Classic 99. I have downloaded the TOSEC archive from archive.org and there is a part one file and a part two file.
Popeye (1984)(Parker Brothers)(Part 1 of 2).g
Popeye (1984)(Parker Brothers)(Part 2 of 2).c
Finally. How do I report spam? The report button under posts does not seem to be working.
Many thanks
Great Britain
Free TI-99/4A |
Posted by: badideajeans - 07-12-2020, 11:30 PM - Forum: For Sale
- Replies (2)
I have a fully functional TI-99/4A. It is free to a good home. I only want some help with shipping.
In addition to the computer, it comes with the following hardware:
TI Power Supply
TI Video Modulator
TI dual joysticks
TI Speech Synthsizer
The following modules are included:
Car Wars
Moon Mine
Number Magic
TI Extended Basic
Tombstone City
I also have the extended basic manual.
Problem with Cartridge Image not fitting on TV screen |
Posted by: JStoller - 05-24-2020, 11:49 AM - Forum: Software
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I was finally able to hook up my TI 99/4A to a new flat screen TV, but some of the images from math games like Alien Addition don't fit perfectly on the TV screen (e.g., one equation only shows partially on the left side of the TV screen). Any advice on how to correct?
Plato - Bad Chemistry Disks |
Posted by: GullibleRaspberry9 - 11-25-2019, 12:11 AM - Forum: Software
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I have been going through the Plato High School Science - Chemistry course with my son, be we are hitting some bad disks.
I have both the Mess emulator and the v9t9 emulator able to run the Plato Rom with the TIDisks downloaded from either whtech ftp or 99er download database.
I have never had any issues running any of the disks for many different subjects: High School writing, math, biology, physics. However, in the Chemistry subject disks: 7, 9, 10, 12, 14 all load, get past the Plato welcome screen and to the course Menu screen. It will say for example, "Menu 1. Chemical Reactions 1 Tutorial 2. Additional Studies 3. Select another Diskette.
When I choose 1 for the tutorial, the disk starts reading but then just freezes. The screen doesn't change, and the white message on the bottom just says: "Type the number of the" .
I am hoping someone has any idea to help us along so we can finish this great course for Chemistry. My son loves this style of learning.
Thank you for any suggestions